JavaScript's map, filter, and reduce methods.
JavaScript provides some amazing functions that can be called against your arrays to help filter them, manipulate them, or even reduce them down to a single value or grouped values.
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An experienced Web Developer with years of experience in design, programming and server administration.
© 2025 by Frank Perez.
JavaScript articles and tutorials ranging from new language features to using interesting packages.
JavaScript provides some amazing functions that can be called against your arrays to help filter them, manipulate them, or even reduce them down to a single value or grouped values.
The latest in ECMAScript 6 introduces new features to JavaScript which makes it so much more fun to use, while solving problems that have been around for years. The intent of this article is to provide you with resources you can use to start learning ES6 today.
Babel offers a convenient way to transform your ES6 code to JavaScript that all browsers can understand. In this article we'll go over a basic configuration that will enable you to start using it with any project right away.
In this article we’ll go over how to configure your project to process Stylus files using Gulp. We’ll also create source map file which your browser will use to help point you in the right direction of your files when developing
Less is a CSS pre-processor allowing you to create variables, mixins, and functions in an effort to make your CSS more maintainable.
Browser Sync is a nice tool to use while developing. It allows your browser to reload live when changes are made to your files. For instance, assuming we’re watching our CSS file for changes we can have the browser auto refresh/sync when it sees those changes made.
Gulp watch is perfect for when you’re editing project files since it allows you to not have to run the gulp command manually each time.
Gulp may seem like a scary thing to wrap your head around at first, but it’s actually quite easy to start using once you understand the basics.
Publishing a package to the npm repository has never been simpler. With a few steps, you can create a package that is redistributable to all of your projects.
Yarn is a super simple dependency management tool which is way faster to use instead of traditional npm. It acts as a drop-in replacement, so you can get started using yarn right away. The best way to install yarn is by using npm.