As of PHP 7.1, you can now type hint your method/function arguments with the keyword iterable for handling arrays or even objects that implement the Traversable interface.
Let’s create an example where we can convert any string to a slug. We’ll have 2 methods so that we can pass either a string or iterable data.
We’ll start by setting up our SlugGenerator class.
class SlugGenerator
public static function byArray(iterable $data)
$results = [];
foreach($data as $name) {
$results[] = self::byString($name);
return $results;
public static function byString(string $name)
$slug = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9-]+/', '-', $name);
$slug = strtolower($slug);
return $slug;
For our first example on using the above we’ll use a simple array.
$titles = [
'My Test Title 1',
'My Test Title 2',
'My Test Title 3',
$slugs = SlugGenerator::byArray($titles); // Outputs array of slugs
Now let’s setup an example by passing a traversable object.
class Titles implements IteratorAggregate
private $titles = [];
public function add(string $title)
array_push($this->titles, $title);
public function getIterator()
return new ArrayIterator($this->titles);
$titles = new Titles;
$titles->add('Test Title 1');
$titles->add('Test Title 2');
$titles->add('Test Title 3');
$slugs = SlugGenerator::byArray($titles); // Outputs array of slugs
You'll see that we’re able to use the same SlugGenerator class without having to modify our original class. Awesome, right?