A popular question asked during interviews is to apply the FizzBuzz logic to a range of numbers. This normally means the following:
- If a number is divisible by 3, print Fizz.
- If a number is divisible by 5, print Buzz.
- If a number is divisible by 3 and 5, or 15, print FizzBuzz
Most examples out there demonstrate solving this problem using traditional loops. I want to try something different though.
Let's solve this using the array_map function.
So let's assume the given range is from 1 to 100.
Instead of writing this: (using loops and a function)
function translate($number)
if($number % 15 === 0) {
return 'FizzBuzz';
if($number % 3 === 0) {
return 'Fizz';
if($number % 5 === 0) {
return 'Buzz';
return $number;
$results = [];
for($number = 1; $number <= 100; $number++) {
$results[] = translate($number);
We can actually solve it this way below
$results = array_map(function($number) {
if($number % 15 === 0) return 'FizzBuzz';
if($number % 3 === 0) return 'Fizz';
if($number % 5 === 0) return 'Buzz';
return $number;
}, range(1,100));
Definitely cleaner to me, and much easier to consume. Let me know what you think in the comments below.